'When you discover how to listen, a new world opens up'
'The Receptive Mind made me reconnect with my inner child and realign and recenter my creative impulses. Through the process I could deeply identify the quality of my energy levels helping to calm down thoughts and bring myself back to a neutral space. A place where judgement doesn’t exist, only a natural response that allows the imaginary world to be further explored. Once we are constantly learning new methodologies from different resources, it becomes vital to look inwards to ourselves and appreciate what is already available for us. The exercises were a breakthrough for me as a creator artist, but firstly as a human being. In the end, I’ve learned that our mind and body are one waiting for us to take care of it.'
Testimonial: ARIANE SOUZA, Sydney based Actress, Dancer & Singer
The body speaks
Allowing your body to speak seems awkward at first glance because the body may express itself naturally out of your comfort zone. Used to controlling your body from the head you don't always notice there is a difference. We are basically using our body as a slave telling it what to do, leading to all kinds of problems over time. But what if your body knows better?! This course will teach you how to move away from this restricting control and transition into an embodied flow state. From thinking to thanking. In an increasingly artificial world, a natural connection with the body is essential. Having receptive skills will increase your opportunity of utilising the 3 intelligence centres better. This course focusses on aligning and balancing your 3 intelligence centres being: The Heart, the Body and the Mind. Recognise the diversity of your deeper intelligence by tapping into your natural strengths and abilities. Empower internal communication and grow your overall performance skills to be able to surprise yourself in the moment and inspire your audiences!
What to expect?
Live Q&A sessions, videos guiding experienced based exercises, printables and audio files along with a community of fellow students to share questions and ideas with makes this experience come alive at your own convenience.
What makes this course different?
When you're already engaged in yoga, sports or forms of meditation, The Receptive Mind course complements these practices really well. The course offers embodied mindfulness exercises that reveal an exciting new approach to observing and centering yourself during performance and other activities. For example: How you relate to what you do, is how you relate to yourself in the process. When working towards a goal from a place of frustration, you are teaching your body and heart frustration. The body has peptides that function like emotional neurotransmitters that literally store emotions in your body. 'How' you practise to start with becomes more important then 'what' you practise, and that is something I often miss in other teachings.
Why do it?
Once the potential of inner communication is established through practise it allows the body to speak to you, your body will respond to your attention like a child that is seen, listened to, loved and come alive resulting in increased vitality, flexibility, spontaneity and inner joy. When you learn how to observe and practise attentive focus in the right way you start creating more and more moments of true presence growing your intuitive abilities and authenticity over time whilst leaving insecurities and irrational fears at bay. This I believe is what makes an incredible engaging and passionate actor, performer, artist, and creator in life.
Your teacher
Hi I'm Roel Voorbij, a movement teacher, performer and personal coach. I studied physical acting at the University of the Arts Amsterdam. Currently coaching professionals from all walks of life and teaching at Sydney Australia's leading theatre schools (NIDA, ACA, SAS, The Hubstudio).
A letting go of any preconceived ideas you may have.
During my adolescent years I was hyper aware and very sensitive of my movements and expressions to the point that I almost couldn’t function normally when walking into a bar facing people I looked up to. Fighting with insecurities my hunger for more confidence, and freedom of expression brought me to theatre. With love for humour and creativity I confronted myself through being onstage. I learned embodying uncomfortable sensations and breathing through an occasional panic attack by embracing what was happening rather than denying it. I found relief and got to know and read myself better over time through tapping into my felt sense awareness. Nowadays I have the choice to respond rather then reacting from a place of restlessness or overwhelm. The somatic practises allow me to stay centred, change mood at will, release tension and recognise patterns and habits. I started seeing more people having similar struggles. Actors easily disconnect from their body facing an audience or camera. I got inspired to become a teacher and I'm loving it! This course is the continuation of a decade of teaching, exploring exercises that resonate both for myself, students and clients. I’m eager to share the profound results with you today and look forward to hearing more from you!
Course Curriculum
- Increased emotional presence
- Alignment and internal clarity
- Change mindset at will (master your moods)
- Transforming into character from the body
- Grow awareness of subconscious habits not beneficial to your performance
- Tension and tightness release when performing
- Grow personal movement vocabulary
- Increased overall awareness of non verbal expression
- Increased vitality
This course is for you when you tend to be restless, predominately in your head and easily build up tension in your body, especially neck and shoulders and/or you suppress valuable life energy into worries and unresolved emotions.
Learn how to walk the path of least resistance...